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🎨 Support Notes & Color for Table Groups

You can now set customized colors and add notes to table groups.

Table Group Notes and Color

Table Group Color​

No more boring, grayed-out table groups that are difficult to spot when zoomed out, as you can now make them more colorful and distinct.

You can directly pick a color for your table group in the UI or use the following coding syntax:

TableGroup "Order Management" [color: #E74C3C] {

Select color for table group

Table Group Notes​

Add Markdown descriptions for table groups to provide extra information, such as their purposes, specific details about child tables, and so on.

To add notes, use the following syntax:

TableGroup "User Wishlist System" [note: 'Manages the user wishlist functionality'] {

// or use multi-line string to define Markdown content
Note: '''
This group manages the user wishlist functionality.
- wishlists: Stores user-specific wishlists.
- wishlist_items: Contains items added to each wishlist.

Add notes to table group

Both features are available as part of our paid Table Group feature set.

We believe this enhancement will greatly improve your database designing experience, and we look forward to yourΒ feedback.

βš™οΈ Generate DBML from Direct DB Connection

Our new db2dbml CLI command now allows you to generate DBML code directly from your database. This feature simplifies the database visualization process so that you can focus solely on designing new database structures for your new features. Generate DBML from database

Make sure to use the Import > From Database Connection (via CLI) option to get a detailed guide for your database type: Generate DBML from database

Here is how we use db2dbml (included in dbdocs CLI) to generate DBML and create a database documentation project in dbdocs: Generate DBML from database

Is it safe to allow dbdocs CLI to connect to my database? Yes

  • Everything runs on your local machine, and the database credentials are not tracked or sent anywhere.
  • The database connection is secured.
  • The code is open source from the @dbml/cli & @dbml/connector packages and can be checked here.

Supported databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, Snowflake, BigQuery.

Please give this feature a try andΒ let us knowΒ what you think.

πŸš€ Support Import from Snowflake

Today we are excited to share that we now support importing from Snowflake DDL!

If you are a Snowflake user, you can quickly generate a database relationship diagram (ERD) from the DDL of your database objects.

Import Database from Snowflake DDL.gif

πŸ’ŒΒ For any questions or concerns regarding this feature, our support team is here to assist you. You can reach out to us via ourΒ Contact UsΒ form.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

βš™οΈ dbdiagram API 1.0 (Beta)

We are pleased to announce that the dbdiagram API 1.0 is now operational!

Creating diagrams programmatically and adding them to your documents, blogs, and websites will be the main feature of our first API release.

Manage dbdiagram API tokens

Note: API access is currently in Beta and only available if you have a paid plan.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.

πŸš€ Support Export to Oracle SQL

We're thrilled to announce that Export DBML Schema to Oracle SQL is now supported!

Now you can quickly design, visualize your database schema and export to Oracle SQL.

Export Database to Oracle SQL.gif

✍️ Please note that we are currently support Oracle version 19c syntax.

πŸ’ŒΒ For any questions or concerns regarding this Export Database to Oracle SQL feature, our support team is here to assist you. You can reach out to us via ourΒ Contact UsΒ form.

🌍 For the latest update on new dbdiagram features, make sure to follow us on our social media: 🐦 TWITTER - 🧳 LINKEDIN

Thank you for your continued support and trust in our products.